
Sophia Loren Diet

Legendary Sophia Loren in her 73 y. o. is the sensational evidence of the fact that you can lose weight without giving-up macaroni. Of course, if you like to eat them :). I am owed spaghetti everything you admire, says…

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How to Lose 9 Pounds in a Month

It is a safe, sensible, and not supposing starvation diet. It is a low-calorie diet that will quickly take away extra kilograms and make you satisfied. The process of weight loss has to pass by the “empty plate syndrome”. Food…

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Tea Will Help To Lose Weight. Part II.

Nettle tea with ginger. This unusual kind of tea helps cleansing and detoxification of your organism. Of course, you should become used to special taste of nettle. Believe me, it is worth of it. Nettle makes the process of fat…

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Morning Drinks from Kefir

In the morning we usually drink tea or coffee to be woken up and “to turn on” the digestion. Here you can find the recipes of unique drinks from kefir. These drinks will hearten you and also help to lose…

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Lemon Detox Diet

The so called “detox diets” are becoming more and more popular. The meaning of such a diet is not simply to lose weight but also to detoxify the body, to move toxic wastes out of the body. The main component…

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Main Products for Detox. Part 1.

Following the detox program has already become a good habit of many people who control their health and weight. The easiest way to do this is including products from this list in your diet. Green leafy vegetables (green salads, celery,…

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Main Products for Detox. Part 2

Sea vegetables and edible algae are full of vitamins and minerals. Some kinds of algae, such as comb, are considered to be especially valuable ones, due to their ability to bind and remove toxins out of your body. Beetroot. It…

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Lemon Detox Diet is Really Easy

When you awake from a sound sleep, start your day with some healthy things, as exercises and lemon juice. Cut a fresh lemon, and squeeze it in a glass of warm water and drink it. Today most doctors recommend lemon…

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Detox Diet Tips

Detox is the removal of potentially toxic substances from the body. Detox is also used as a treatment for alcohol or drug dependence. It usually includes different methods of removing environmental and dietary toxins from the body for general health….

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Lemon Detox Tips

Lemon gives us a lot of energy, gets toxins out of system, stimulates burning of fats, and significantly improves complexion of the face. This citrus is a real well of vitamins and other useful substances. The first stage of lemon…

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