Pregnancy and in some cases basic hereditary qualities can leave certain individuals with an abundance of fat and flesh around the stomach region. Sometimes, this occurs regardless of whether the other parts of your body are thin. The stubborn stomach lump can make you uncomfortable, particularly when no measure of diet or exercise appears to help.

Also called abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck is a restorative surgery that works on the appearance and shape of the stomach area. The abdominoplasty procedure entails taking out the extra fat and skin from the stomach.  

You could decide to have a stomach tuck assuming you have excess skin or fat around the frail lower stomach wall or the region of your belly button. A belly tuck can likewise support a patient’s body image.

How it is done

A tummy tuck procedure for tightening and elimination of excess is often performed under general anesthesia. The specialist cuts across the midsection, between the pubic bone and stomach button to lift the skin and fix the stomach wall muscles. The specialist then fastens the two areas of skin together and makes another opening for the tummy button.

A small-scale stomach tuck might include simply skin evacuation and liposuction. This procedure is often for patients who have tight muscles with little extra skin. The two methods proceed are outpatients’ medical procedures. 

Upon the surgery, most patients wear a bandage to limit enlarging and support your mid-region as it mends. If necessary, seepage cylinders might temporarily be put underneath your skin. Following a week or two, you ought to have the option to see a firmer, flatter stomach that supplements your body shape. Assuming you have a scar, it will fade off after a couple of months.

Possible Risks During a Tummy Tuck Procedure

As good as a tummy tuck procedure may seem, if it is not handled by an expert, some issues may arise. A stomach tuck comes with different risks. There are listed below:

Bad injury healing 

In some cases, regions along the incision line mend poorly or start to isolate. You may be given anti-infection agents during and after the procedure to forestall an infection.

Sudden scarring 

The cut scar from a stomach tuck is long-lasting, however, it’s commonly positioned along the covered-up swimsuit line. The visibility and length of the scar change from patient to patient. 

Tissue hazard 

During a belly tuck, any fatty tissues may be damaged if extreme care is not taken. Smoking builds the risk of damaging this tissue. According to the size of the region, tissue could mend by itself or require a careful surgical touch.


A tummy tuck is an effective way to lessen excessive fat and skin around your abdominal area. The procedure is simple and may pose few risks – but they can be fixed with a competent specialist. Generally, the major risk here is visiting an inexperienced cosmetic surgeon to carry out a tummy tuck procedure on you. Finally, though cosmetic surgeons with so much experience may charge high fees, it is worth it since any mistake could be fatal. Body Expert can be a resourceful partner here.

Most athletes put their bodies to the test. They tire over time and suffer from significant nutritional deficiencies. How can we preserve the organism from a deficiency that risks destroying it? Here are some interesting nutritional tips for athletes, whether they are beginners or already experienced.

Good to know about the sportsman or athlete

An athlete and a sportsperson expend more energy than a person who does not play sports. They also sweat much more than a normal person. As a result, he loses a large amount of mineral salts each time he practices his activity. That is why such a person should eat more than a non-athlete. The athlete will have to compensate for his losses after performing his activity. Whether it is a loss of mineral salts or of other nutrients essential to the proper functioning of the body. What to do in this case? He will have to eat enough vitamins.

Foods to be preferred by the athlete

The athlete will have to eat the same foods as non-athletes. However, the quantity will not be the same, since the athlete will spend more energy than a non-athlete. The foods they eat should provide a regular energy intake for the whole day, such as dairy products, fruit, vegetables, meat, starchy foods and fats. Opinions differ on the latter type of food as many believe that they promote weight gain. However, fats provide the body with fatty acids and vitamins, which are very important for the proper functioning of the body. The same goes for starchy foods, which are sources of carbohydrates for our bodies. It should be pointed out that food should be eaten on the basis of a balanced diet. The athlete should eat all types of food and in good quantities. Eating a lot of protein and neglecting calcium intake is not recommended for example.

Stay well hydrated throughout the day

Athletes are generally aware of the importance of hydration during their activity. It is important to know that the loss of about 1% of one’s weight during activity can lead to a loss of muscle efficiency of about 10%. On the other hand, some people forget that they also need to drink before and during practice. Throughout the day, a good sportsman or woman who wants to stay in shape should consume at least 1.5 litres of water. Beware, drinking is not the same as drinking mineral water. Athletes should drink water with a high mineral content to help eliminate waste in their body.

Gluten is increasingly avoided by athletes because it looks like glue and has difficulty evacuating from the body. Many of the foods we eat contain gluten. Want to try a diet without this mixture of protein and starch? Think about organic products!

Why should an athlete have to eat organic?

Organic food is not only recommended for sportsmen and women. This type of food is good for the health of all of us, as it is protected from pesticides and fungicides, which are not good for our health. Studies have already shown that organic products are richer in minerals and vitamins than products from traditional agriculture. However, a sportsman or woman who eats organic should not damage one nutrient over the other. He must eat a balanced diet. The mistake is often to think that proteins should be preferred over others, whereas the latter should never exceed 15% of the caloric intake for a bio-sportsman.

Food supplements for organic sports nutrition

Dietary supplements are not mandatory for athletes, but they can be a great help in conserving energy. They compensate for the losses that the body suffers during practice. These losses can be recovered by a good diet, but food supplements are not bad for your health either. At least, when they are taken as prescribed by a nutritionist. It is important to know that they are available in several types, such as energy bars, powdered preparations and energy drinks. The nutritionist advises such and such organic sports nutrition according to the type of sport practised and the physical effort deployed.

Examples of organic, rich and gluten-free sports nutrition

Several brands of organic, rich and gluten-free sports products are currently available in stores. There are ON products, BIO drink products, Speed Tonic products and so on. In all cases, it is important to read each package before buying. At best, you should seek the advice of a nutritionist. The mistake of many people is to consume without asking about the product. You should know that food supplements are not to be eaten at will. As supplements, they must be taken in reasonable doses. A natural energy bar is not consumed in large quantities. One to two bars per day are sufficient. As for spirulina, its consumption is good for your health, but you must follow the doctor’s prescription and not exceed 3 intakes per day.

According to a certain belief, the athlete should not be vegan since he or she would then suffer a significant nutritional deficiency. The vegan diet would limit the intake of nutrients and would be a real problem for the athlete who expends more energy than a non-athlete. Zoom on these points in the following lines.

Can an athlete be vegan?

Many people who adopt the vegan diet practice sport without complaining. Veganism is a way of life that consists of refusing to consume and use any animal products. In fact, as long as the vegan athlete supplements the energy intake, which he needs to practice his activity, he can maintain his diet. Be careful to distinguish between veganism and veganism, because the vegan eats only plants and mushrooms. Vegan is much stricter. It is a true lifestyle that affects the whole life of its follower.

The ideal sports for the vegan sportsperson

The vegan athlete can practice any type of physical and sporting activity as long as he knows his limits. Indeed, he will be a sportsman like any other. Like his colleagues, he will not have to make more effort than his body can handle and he will have to eat a balanced diet. Proteins can be found in foods other than meat. Being vegan is not at all an obstacle to the practice of sport. You just have to choose the activity you want to do and choose the one you are passionate about. Many vegans enjoy walking, running, stretching and cycling. Some also prefer more exceptional sports such as rock climbing, yoga and swimming. These are not endurance activities and allow the body to recover easily.

Other advice for the sports and vegan enthusiast

Adopting a vegan or vegan diet does not in any way mean depriving or torturing oneself. It is a way of life like any other. Once you’ve decided to adopt it, consulting a nutritionist should be a priority. Indeed, it is better to know the different facets of the diet before applying it. Dietary supplements may be necessary for a very active vegan athlete. Furthermore, it has never been said that veganism or veganism can limit the amount of water to drink in a day. Plants alone do not provide the amount of water necessary for the proper functioning of the body. It is therefore necessary to drink a large quantity of water, as soon as one adopts the status of vegan sportsman.

Probiotics are naturally present in the body, they strengthen the immune system and balance the microbiota or intestinal flora. Weight may also depend on this balance between the good and bad bacteria making up the flora. In fact, studies have shown that the intestinal flora of a slim person is not the same as that of an obese person. This article explains how to lose weight with probiotics.

What exactly are probiotics

These are bacteria associated with the intestine. They are not among those bacteria that are harmful to health. On the contrary, they are good bacteria. In fact, probiotics have beneficial effects on the immune system, the intestinal flora, and the general well-being of the body. All the bacteria make up the intestinal flora. The microorganisms that occupy the microbiota affect a person’s general behaviour, such as mood, for example. They facilitate the absorption of nutrients, act on weight loss or gain and hunger, regulate blood sugar levels and produce certain B vitamins and vitamin K. But the intestinal flora can become unbalanced. This may be due to a diet that is too rich in sugars and proteins, additives and sweeteners, a diet that is also low in fibre. Stress, cortisone or hormones and especially antibiotics can also cause an imbalance in the intestinal flora. In fact, antibiotics are generally used to eliminate all bacteria in the body, not just bad bacteria. When the microbiota is disturbed, probiotics intervene in order to restore the proper intestinal balance. A human being has more than one hundred billion bacteria or microorganisms in the intestine.

Do probiotics help with weight loss?

Indeed, probiotics can amplify weight loss. It is the intestinal flora that conditions your health. You must therefore take good care of your microbiota. This is essential for the proper assimilation of food. Probiotics have several benefits on general health and transit. They are a valuable aid to weight loss thanks to their beneficial action on stress, intestinal pain, reduction of bloating, feelings of fullness and hunger. Probiotics can only make a difference if they are accompanied by physical activity and a change in diet. But you should also know that in fermented products such as yoghurt, pickles, sauerkraut, olives in jars, cider vinegar or others, there are probiotics that naturally nourish the microbiota. There are also probiotics in food supplements. You have to be careful because not all probiotics are good to take. Generally because each probiotic brings a strain of microorganisms to the body and each strain of microorganisms is different and has its own role. Several studies have shown that the two elements that promote weight gain decrease when taking probiotics. In fact, when a person takes probiotics, the appetite hormone or leptin decreases in the body, allowing them to eat less and lose weight. In addition, a lack of intestinal bacteria causes a higher risk of obesity. So probiotics provide the necessary bacteria to arrange the intestinal flora and thus avoid gaining weight.

How to take them?

It is strongly advised to take them in the morning, on an empty stomach. This is when the stomach promotes the arrival of live bacteria in the intestine and maximizes the elimination of excess weight. If you want to take probiotics, read the instructions carefully. Some probiotics can be stored in the refrigerator, but others cannot. To be successful in losing weight and never regain it, it is important to renew the cures regularly in order to provide the microbiota with good bacteria. For example, do a one or two month cure during the change of seasons, then increase to one week per month. In any case, it is recommended to seek the advice of a doctor before starting to take probiotics. Probiotics can reduce the amount of calories in your meals. They can also reduce the low level of inflammation in your cells. This inflammation can lead to obesity. The combination of a healthy diet and probiotics leads to significant weight loss. If in addition, you add other ingredients such as frequent training sessions, it will certainly control and intensify the process of losing weight in a very short time, and your fat belly will decrease considerably. The most effective way is to take probiotics in capsules like the slim probiotic. You can find them in parapharmacies or pharmacies.

How to keep the microbiota healthy

Taking care of the microbiota is the key to maintaining a normal weight and staying healthy. In everyday life, the balance can be easily disturbed by infections, medication, carbohydrate-rich and adapted foods, sugar and stress. You should also be careful with infants and mothers who have a bad intestinal flora. In order to keep the microbiota healthy and to be able to slim down, you must therefore avoid food toxins present in the meal. It is also necessary to eat a lot of barley and oats and also vegetables and fruits. Also try to eat good quality probiotic supplements or food, but you should consult a doctor first. Take steps to reduce or manage stress levels.

The rate of overweight people is still high today. But many people are also struggling to gain weight. Hence the need for dietary coaching to take care of one’s health in any situation. Zoom on this point here.

What is diet coaching?

Dietetic coaching consists for a dietetic professional to accompany a person to reach a balanced diet. The professional in question can be a nutritionist or a dietician. He or she carries out a feeding program that the person with a weight problem must follow to the letter. This program is spread over several weeks and is usually made up of recipes for balanced meals and sports tips. In fact, dietary coaching is largely made up of a sports programme. It is not enough to eat healthy to maintain good health. Sport is also very important because it allows the body to evacuate the toxins it has retained.

The advantages of dietary coaching

The main advantage of dietary coaching is that it allows you to take care of your health. From the first appointment with the dietician or nutritionist, a check-up on diet and general health is carried out. The program can then be established according to the weight to be lost or gained, the age of the person and their daily habits. In addition, anyone can follow a dietary coaching and even pregnant women who sometimes have problems with transit and excessive weight gain. Similarly, this type of coaching is a real help to help an overweight child regain his or her ideal weight. A good dietary coaching helps to regain digestive comfort and also helps to eliminate daily stress.

Dietary coaching and health

The good thing about diet coaching is that it allows you to evolve in complete safety. Indeed, the coach regularly conducts fitness tests to know if the program is still the right one for the person he is coaching. In fact, a relationship of trust must be established between the coach and the coachee. The latter will have to report regularly to his coach. If signs of fatigue or rapid weight loss are noticed, the coach will have to modify his program or change it completely. Taking care of your health also means being honest with yourself and your coach. The goal should not only be to lose or gain weight. The most important thing is to feel good about yourself throughout your diet coaching.

Are you looking to lose excess weight after your pregnancy? You can achieve your healthy weight goals with the help of a dietary coach. Because you know the saying: “alone, we go faster. Together, we go further”. The important thing is to have long-term results.

Slimming down after pregnancy: why is it a challenge?

Normal weight gain occurs during pregnancy. At an average of about 10 kilos, it is healthy and even enjoyable because it is synonymous with health for the baby. But once the birth is over, it is not uncommon for the mother to want to regain the figure she was familiar with. However, the body needs a period of time, more or less long, to recover, during which it breathes a little. Synchronizing with her body, and managing the arrival of the baby who needs a lot of love and attention, can be a real challenge. Although a mom has the amazing superpower of being able to wear several hats, the help of a dietary coach can be helpful. The KitchenDiet nutrition programme offers a tailored follow-up for young mothers who are wondering how to lose weight. The right support will ensure that you reach your goals.

How to lose weight with a coach after pregnancy?

A diet coach is an expert who knows the little secrets to losing weight effectively and without yo-yoing. If he specializes in accompanying young mothers, he also knows the specifics of these women’s diets. He knows in particular that they do not necessarily have much time to prepare elaborate meals, that they need a good source of energy and that they must also breastfeed. Most importantly, he knows that each woman is unique. That’s why a dietary coach will normally carry out a personalised assessment before proposing a nutritional programme. This is designed according to the nutritional needs of the young mother so that she can achieve her healthy slimming goals. The coach generally advises to practice a physical activity in parallel. But before doing so, you must let your perineum regain its muscles and heal if necessary.

Getting back in shape after childbirth: what reflexes to adopt?

With or without the help of a coach, there are some good reflexes to adopt to lose weight quickly but healthily after pregnancy. First of all, the best thing is to avoid depriving yourself. Eat whatever you feel like eating, unless your doctor has advised you against a particular

food or practice. Deprivation is only a source of frustration, which means that sooner or later you may break down because, consciously or unconsciously, you’re at the end of your rope. Choose menus that are balanced and rich in vitamins and calcium, especially if you’re breastfeeding. Finally, don’t try to force your way to lose weight as quickly as possible. If your mind wants to get back in shape no matter what, your body appreciates it above all that you listen to it and go at a reasonable pace.

Cow’s milk is originally intended to feed a calf, so it is very rich. Today, more and more dieticians are advising against the consumption of this milk, especially if it is not organic. Find the main reasons for this recommendation.

Is cow’s milk toxic?

Cow’s milk is a danger especially when it is not natural. Indeed, the different pasteurization, homogenization and sterilization processes reduce the natural enzymes in the milk that prevent calcium from binding. The treatment of cows with the addition of hormones, vaccines and antibiotics also leads to high milk toxicity. Indeed, in order for cows to produce more milk, breeders overexert and mistreat them, which increases the development of infections and therefore the need to take antibiotics and vaccines, not to mention anti-inflammatory drugs. These are then transmitted via the milk. These are the main causes of product toxicity, which explains why cow’s milk is not good for your health. It is therefore advisable to drink only organic milk, but here again, there is a great paradox on the question: is cow’s milk good for your health? Between the nutritional benefits of milk and their consequences on our organism, there are some nuances that it is good to know.

The paradox of cow’s milk

To allow the calf to grow, cow’s milk is very rich in calcium, too rich even. This is one of the main reasons why this milk is not recommended. The calcium in cow’s milk is too difficult to assimilate. The concentration of calcium in human blood increases very quickly when milk consumption is high. Our body will then eliminate the excess calcium through the kidneys. Cow’s milk also contains too many saturated fatty acids, punctuated by large fat molecules. Our body’s liver has difficulty transforming these molecules and thus causes its weakening. The saturated fatty acids in milk, in addition to destroying the liver slowly, present a risk of obesity and disease. Our body needs natural fat, and saturated fats are not only difficult to digest, but are also useless and unfamiliar. It is preferable to consume cow’s milk in moderation and to give preference to breast milk and vegetable fats.

What about osteoporosis?

In view of all this inconsistency, one thing remains certain, our body needs calcium and milk contains a lot of it. This is the main message in advertisements to prevent osteoporosis, which is a disease caused by brittle bones. So, is cow’s milk good for your health? According to the latest studies published by the WHO or the World Health Organization on the question of good or bad milk, they have shown the calcium paradox. Indeed, these studies have established that in Western countries where calcium consumption is very high, fractures and osteoporosis diagnoses are also very high. These studies thus demonstrate that daily consumption of cow’s milk does not prevent osteoporosis, on the contrary. According to these studies, this habit increases the risk of ovarian and prostate cancer and promotes cardiovascular pathologies. It is therefore preferable to find another source of calcium.

All the clothes in your wardrobe no longer match your current size. You look like sausages in your new tight dress. Indeed, with the mass production of fast food and industrial foods, you’ve become more and more addicted to them. By eating them every day, fat accumulates to the point of obesity. However, obesity is not good for either aesthetics or health. That’s why we leaf through all the magazines looking for a magic recipe when excess weight becomes more and more important. Among the effective products to get rid of excess weight once and for all is the “fat burner”. But then, how does it work?

Fat burners in a few words

As their names clearly indicate, the main purpose of fat burners is to eliminate unwanted fat stored in the body. Currently, they are becoming more and more widespread on the market and if we take into consideration the fat burner advice, they have a positive effect on the body. Whether for use as part of a slimming diet or just to control overeating, these products are very popular and are everywhere in the diet sections of stores and even on the web.

Indeed, the active ingredients contained in these products accelerate the metabolism and the destocking of fats is thus promoted. At present, there are a multitude of fat burners, depending on the manufacturer. As for its compositions, they certainly remain very varied. In any case, the main ingredients of these products are mainly caffeine, nopal, chitosan and the famous green tea.

According to the various opinions on the fat burner, as well as the results of studies carried out by researchers, the fat burner is known for its effectiveness in a slimming diet, and this, thanks to their many properties. Thus, if certain active ingredients help to capture fat, others that are not assimilated by the body facilitate their elimination.

Generally presented in the form of food supplements, these products are available directly from manufacturers without a medical prescription. Thus, you wish to get rid of your excess weight for good, if it becomes an emergency for you, you can then immediately place your order online.

The actions of a fat burner on the body

As you will have already understood, the purpose of a fat burner is relatively simple. It accelerates the metabolism and thus pushes the body to tap into its fat reserves. This has been understood, indeed, by referring to the studies on this subject and the fat burner avis.

Because of this increase in metabolism, the body will spend more energy, which allows the activation of lipolysis in the adipocytes. As a result, this activation allows the fat cells to be transformed into glucose, which will then be converted into energy.

That said, thanks to a fat burner, you will easily manage to lose weight in the most natural way possible. Moreover, the advantage with this method, in addition to weight loss, fat restocking will also be avoided once your treatment is over. Of course, for this method to be effective, you must combine your fat burning with a healthy and balanced lifestyle. In other words, fat burners are designed with a well thought-out formula. The aim is to easily eliminate excess weight without causing your body to suffer.

Fat burners as a dietary supplement

At present, you can find fat burners in different forms, making it even easier to consume. Indeed, being convinced of the efficient fat burner avis, the most famous laboratories have exploited the fruits and vegetables best known for their slimming virtues to design efficient fat burners. Thus, you will be able to find burners on the market in the form of capsules, drinks, food, etc.

This way, you will be able to use foods that are known to burn fat naturally and put an end to your overweight problem once and for all. These foods are mainly lemon, oats, eggplant, apple, green vegetables and protein-rich foods.

As for fat burners in the form of food supplements, they are mainly in the form of capsules or capsules. According to the effective fat burner avis, these products are both simple and fast. In addition, they can be used in various ways. Indeed, it can be an appetite suppressant, blocking the production of new fat, etc..

How to use a fat burner?

After taking a look at the fat burner avis, you want to use it because you are more than fed up with your excess weight? There is nothing simpler than that. All you have to do is place your order online. But as the dosage is different depending on the nature of the product and your body itself, we recommend that you read the instructions carefully before use.

Also, although you can obtain your fat burner without your doctor’s prescription, it is still advisable to ask for his advice so that he can advise you on the most suitable product. All the more so as this allows you to avoid unpleasant surprises and possible undesirable effects of the product in question.

Fat burner, a really effective solution?

It is quite understandable if you ask yourself this question, given the countless products, supposedly effective, that are widely available on the market, but which are ultimately nothing but a scam.

Opinions on the fat burner have confirmed that this product does indeed have positive effects on the body as part of a slimming diet. Indeed, most people who have already used it strongly advise it to those who want to break away from obesity. Thus, a suitable and moderate consumption of this product allows you to lose weight.

However, you may as well remember that the fat burner does not work miracles and it is not enough, especially if your excess weight exceeds tens of kilos. The best tip is therefore to combine your diet with a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Of course, regular physical activity goes hand in hand with this. For the latter, you don’t need to overdo it. Just a few walks, weight training or a few sessions of cycling a week are enough.

“Losing weight and losing more weight” has become a real obsession for almost all women. But how do you do it? That is the question. If you’ve already tried dieting, but to no avail, why not try natural products? Rest assured, there are many natural solutions to lose weight and eliminate excess fat, but you just need to know which ones are the most effective.

When dieting doesn’t work!

When a woman looks in the mirror and notices unsightly bulges on her body, she always says to herself: “Come on, I’m going on a diet to lose weight at all costs”. The solution that comes immediately to mind when we want to lose weight is to stop eating too much.

However, depriving yourself of foods that you love is not an easy thing to do, and many people are not able to do it. Those who do, don’t last long, especially if the results are slow in coming. And after repeated diets without much success, many relapse and end up eating more because of depression.

That’s not to say that dieting doesn’t work, but the reality is that it’s not the most effective solution. So to get better results, some of us have had to look at other alternatives as well.

Probiotics for losing excess weight

Thanks to the programmes based on natural products, it is possible to lose weight quickly, without depriving yourself of your favourite dishes and desserts. Among the most popular slimming programs today, those based on probiotics are at the top of the list. As a reminder, probiotics are living microorganisms (generally bacteria and yeasts) that, once ingested by a person, become very beneficial to that person.

According to researchers, probiotics promote intestinal balance and fat elimination, among other things, and thus lead to weight loss. In other words, regular intake of probiotics can help boost weight loss.

To facilitate their ingestion, probiotics are transformed into tablets in the laboratory to make them effective natural slimming products, as confirmed by probiotic svelte avis.

Other natural weight loss products

In addition to probiotics, certain natural foods also help burn excess fat from our bodies, and many overweight women do not hesitate to include them in their slimming programs.

Spirulina is one of the most used natural fat burners, its slimming virtues are no longer to be proven. Once ingested, spirulina acts first of all on the host organism as a natural appetite suppressant. This food thus allows the person who wishes to lose weight to better control his appetite. In addition, spirulina forces the body to make extra efforts to digest the proteins it contains, which also accelerates weight loss.

To lose weight, guarana is also an effective natural solution. As a reminder, guarana is an Amazonian plant that essentially contains caffeine. And it is precisely its high concentration of caffeine that gives it the ability to accelerate the breakdown of fats. Therefore, this natural plant is the basis of most of today’s slimming programs.

Many of us don’t know it, but green tea is also a natural slimming product. Its effectiveness has been proven by many women who consume it daily to lose waist circumference. Green tea is highly concentrated in theine and it is this element that triggers lipolysis, and at the same time stimulates the breakdown of fat.

Ginger is also a natural product that is found in almost every kitchen, yet many people are unaware of its slimming virtues. It has the ability to stimulate the burning of fats in our body, causing a rise in body temperature. Like spirulina, ginger is also one of the most effective natural appetite suppressants and its regular consumption helps to prevent overweight.

Thus, we find spirulina, guarana, green tea, ginger and other natural slimming foods as the main components found in slimming capsules and food supplements.

Sport and hydration in support!

Of course, to lose weight effectively, it is also necessary to think about doing regular sports activities as advised by many experts. In addition to following slimming programs based on natural products, following a sports program considerably increases the chances of getting rid of excess weight. For this you can work alone, but it would also be a good idea to have a sports coach to guide you. Moreover, the most recommended sports for losing weight are those based on endurance, such as swimming, cycling or running.

However, spending energy every day on sports is not enough to lose weight effectively. It must be combined with a healthy diet, but also with good hydration. A person is well hydrated if he or she can drink 2 to 4 litres of water a day, water that can be replaced by other drinks (tea, herbal tea, juice, etc.).