You can drink these cocktails as a snack, but you can "sit" on them a day before an important meeting or appointment. Including them in your diet, you can gradually move to a summer meal. Cocktails give enough energy and vitamins, and no gram of excess calories or fat. In addition, they increase metabolism and break fat down.

• Strawberry cocktail

Pay attention to strawberry. Firstly, you can eat as many strawberries as you can. It is not rich in calories and helps to enhance metabolism. But if it's boring, it is possible to vary the menu with cocktail burning fat. Mix 2/3 cup of strawberries and 1 cup of non-fat milk in a blender. Drink for breakfast and lunch.

• Banana-pear cocktail

Do you want to get rid of fat with tasty way? Prepare a mixture of 2 ripe bananas, 1/2 cup of sliced pear and some ice. Drink twice a day for a week.

• Pineapple-grapefruit cocktail

This cocktail is for those who like tropical fruits. This mixture will help to burn fat and to lose weight. Also pineapple-grapefruit cocktail has the great dose of antioxidants and vitamin C. You need to mix 4 slices of pineapple, half a grapefruit, 1 teaspoon of honey and ice. Drink this cocktail at every meal.

• Tomato-cranberry cocktail

This interesting drink provides body cleansing, body detoxification and weight loss as quickly as possible. Mix 1/2 cup of cranberries and a half of tomato in a blender. Add a teaspoon of honey. Additional result of this drink is a perfect work of intestines! Advice! Include these cocktails in the diet twice a day, and then they will "work" the most effectively.